Friday, August 11, 2006


What a summer it has been, and it's almost over. Lately, it has been not a great one. Hopes dashed mostly. People tell me not to get my hopes up. But who are they? They are ones that have something dear and need not more. How can I, who wants something dear, not hope to have it? Am I not allowed to want and hope? A man denied hope is a joyless and sad creature. He is a man that walks around sleeping.

Bitterness digs in for the long winter ahead. For I hope that I make it an unbearable one for him.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Today, I declare my desire for peace with others.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


I have spent a lot of time thinking about the struggle Islamic terrorists have been waging. I know am not the first person to say this but it should be repeated.

Someday a mushroom cloud will rise from a Western city. On that day the fools will dance and rejoice in the streets. And I shall weep for all of mankind, because no one will be able to stop the hatred that will sweep across the globe. Muslims will be slaughtered and so too will non-Muslims. But I fear that the Muslim world will be turned into ruin and be completely desolate. Is that the wish of Allah? The terrorists think they can win but all they will secure is hopelessness for all mankind.

Let us hope those who think a tactical victory is a strategic one will never have the means to strike.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Nightmares and stress

Lately, I have been having nightmares involving people I have not seen for a long time. I don't know what is causing it. I haven't been eating or drinking before bed or anything. Actually I believe that all those causes for nightmares are stupid. I think you get nightmares because you put yourself under a lot of stress. Strange because I should be under less stress lately. But as success slowly comes my way, I find that I can find more things to worry about.


March 31st will be a big day. GRE day. Oh how, I hate that day already. So, today I am studying for the Analytical portion of the test by taking an instant online version for 10 bucks. I just want a 5 but I don't know if that is going to happen. In fact, I am not sure if I can even get a 4.5.
I wonder if I can have a magical day that day. I know they happen for me but I don't know how. I really could use it.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Radical Narcissism

A recent article about Curb Your Enthusiasm's Larry David gives a wonderfully analysis of his driving message of the show. You can read it here.

More people would be better off if they took some courses in literary analysis. Too many people attack satire because they do not understand it. Maybe they are not bright enough to understand it or maybe they take themselves too seriously. I tend to think the latter.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sites of interest

Just want to mention some sites that have caught my eye. - an excellent site featuring your normal econo blog fare. From the economics of parking spaces the incentives for polygamy. You'll find it there. - for your Austrian Economics. - for your economics radio podcasts.

A future post will deal with a potential research project I am interested in undertaking as well as my musings in the price indexing of prostitution.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

True Freedom

The politicians of the West are acting in a manner that is very disappointing. Today is the day we should stand against extremists. Where will it stop? If they are offended by something they only must scream that they will kill us and we just cower in fear. If Poland's king Sobieski stood fearless against the Muslim hordes, so can we. Those that stood against those invasions understand something. They understood that the enemies we face will show no quarter. If we give an inch they will take our heads.